A little appreciation changes your day...
Posted on 22nd January 2025 at 10:01
It’s been a while since we talked about appreciation and how a little goes a long way, we even used this as the title of a post way back in 2017.
And it sounds like such a simple thing to do. Just find things – anything (!) – to appreciate as you go about your day. And not just things. People, events or anything else that catches your eye and pushes your appreciation – or feel good – buttons.

So why do we find it so hard to do?
One simple answer is that it goes against all our default survival programming. Our hardwired tendency to look for any possible threats as we go about our day. After all, noticing something big and hairy with lots of teeth (!) ticks all the survival boxes, whereas noticing a pretty flower / cloud / something else doesn’t. It’s why we find it so much easier to list all the things going “wrong” in our lives – or are not quite as we’d like them to be – than those going “right.”
Another answer is that we’re just too distracted these days. And there are so many distractions. The pressure to be “busy, busy, busy” – “Look how busy I am (!)”. Our obsession with everything communication based. Let alone life itself…
Whichever is the case – and you’ve probably got your own theories too (!) – the end result is that we miss out on so much that life has to offer. Reduce this glorious technicolour world to a flatter, monochrome one.
So how can we start flexing our appreciation muscles?
Well, it all starts by making a decision that we’re going to look for things to appreciate. Yes, we know it sounds obvious, but nothing happens until we first make a decision to do so. It’s like putting a sign in the ground pointing where we want to go.
Instead, all too often, it gets lost as our thought that “Yes, I really should do it” gets overtaken by whatever else is happening in our lives, with all too predictable results. Or, more accurately, non results…
Then it’s simply a case of pausing from time to time as we go about our day to notice – and appreciate (!) – all the things we normally take for granted. Or, just as likely, don’t even notice.
Here are a couple of tips on how to do this more easily:
First, use the gaps that naturally occur during your day as a reminder to look for things to appreciate. For example, between finishing one activity, task or job and starting another. The first one comes as you wake up every morning, emerging from sleep into the bright new day (!), which gives you a very easy thing to appreciate as you start your day. That you woke up, as did those you love. How warm and comfortable your bed is, the lovely shower – or bath (!). All the things – and people – you can appreciate as you wait for the kettle to boil or are in a queue of traffic. Using all these natural pauses during your day to focus on all the good things and people you already have in your life. How fortunate you are already without realising it.
The second takes us back to our post a couple of weeks ago and a reminder to start small. All too often, people only look for the big – out of the ordinary – things to appreciate. And then, when they find it hard to do so, give up. “There’s nothing to appreciate.”
While big things may catch the eye more easily, there are many more smaller things to appreciate, which is why it’s best to start small. It doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the bigger things too (!) but it’s much easier to pick up momentum and make this part of your life when there are lots of smaller things which tick the appreciation box.
While appreciation is a simple way to instantly improve your mood – and so your day – it can also be used for any specific topic – or person (!) – you’re feeling less than positive about. Looking for little things – anything (!) – to appreciate about them will instantly improve how you feel about them. And, as you find one small thing – “I’m going to keep looking until I find something to appreciate” – then you’ll start to notice others. It really is that easy. Or, put another way, focussing on what you don’t want will never get you what you do.
And one final thought before we finish for today.
Appreciation and gratitude are often used interchangeably, as in finding things to appreciate or be grateful for. While they may sound very similar, we’ve noticed that the energy behind them is rather different; like that between “hope” and “trust” or “want” and “desire.”
Being grateful has a hint of “thank goodness it’s this not that”.
“I’m grateful it’s sunny today (and not raining again).”
“I’m grateful for a good journey to work (rather than hitting all the red lights).
By contrast:
“I appreciate the sunshine today.”
“I appreciate the good journey to work today”
Say them out loud and notice how different they feel to say – or hear.
We often find that Clients aren’t 100% convinced that a little appreciation goes a long way – their crossed arms and legs at the mention of it is an instant giveaway (!) – and so play the Appreciation Game with them. All it involves is taking it in turns to come up with small things we’ve both appreciated that day, the smaller the better. However resistant they may be to start with, it’s amazing how quickly their body language changes, as does the energy in the room. Laughter quickly follows. And, before they’ve realised it, their mood has changed and the day flows much more easily for them.
As always, the choice is yours.
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