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We know even raising this question may be considered heresy by some – or mark us out as Luddites by others (!) – but has our modern obsession with communication finally gone too far? 
And, yes, we know we’ve made this observation before. Well, in fact, several times but it’s one that does bear repeating… 
Have our phones transformed from being a useful tool – our servant – making life so much easier, to an insatiable monster without us even noticing? 
Are we so distracted that we don’t actually live our lives anymore? 
Go out and about these days and it won’t take you long to see this modern obsession in action. People crossing the street while hypnotised by their phones. Texting or talking on the phone while driving cars, riding bikes or eating out at the restaurants. Really, doing almost anything you can think of with a phone glued to their hand or ear. 
Completely oblivious to what they’re doing – or those around them. 
It’s not surprising that mobile phones are now one of the leading factors in accidents and injuries, particularly those involving cars. 
It’s ironic that this great upsurge in communication seems to have had exactly the opposite effect to that intended. Instead of focussing on meaningful – and useful – communication, people are encouraged to instantly communicate the smallest detail of their lives on Facebook. Instant opinions on Twitter. 
People are so busy being busy – and making sure that everyone knows just how busy they are (!) – that they’ve lost touch with what is really going on in our lives. Let alone living them. 
Face to face conversations and relationships are no longer the cornerstone of our lives. Texts, tweets, updates and short phone calls have all taken their place. 
Relationships with real people – giving them our undivided time and attention – seem to be a thing of the past. 
We know that some may think we’ve painted an unnecessarily bleak picture. 
Or, perhaps, it’s just a little too close to the truth for comfort… 
Either way hasn’t the time come to restore the balance a little? 
For most people this all happened quietly, without them even noticing it. No conscious decision was made, they just got carried along with everyone else. 
So, hasn’t the time come to take a step back and see whether technology is really making your life easier. Dare we say, more productive. Is it a useful tool – your servant – or has it become a tyrannical master? 
And now for a radical suggestion. Why not spend one day each week without ALL the technology. Phone, ipad, laptop, tablet and the rest. Perhaps, even the one eyed monster in the corner of your living room. Also known as the television (!). 
Instead give your undivided attention to whoever you’re with. And whatever you’re doing. Spend some uninterrupted time doing the things you enjoy. Live your life again, rather than being permanently distracted. The world won’t stop and, you never know, you may just feel better for it. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
Picture by unknown author 
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