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With everything going on in the world around us, let alone in our own lives, it’s all too easy to find ourselves completely swamped by it all. Swept along by whatever emotions – or circumstances – we encounter as we go about our day. 
If those around us are sad or angry, then finding ourselves feeling sad or angry too. Noticing that our previously good mood turned sour the moment we met someone who was in a bad mood – or having a bad day. 
And it doesn’t only apply to those we physically encounter as we go about our day. Modern media is adept at manipulating our emotions. Just notice how your emotions fluctuate as you tune in to the “Doom and Gloom” (!), let along your favourite show or the latest trending story or event on social media. 
Whatever the cause, the end result is the same. We become a rudderless ship, at the mercy of the waves and whatever is going on around us. Whether stranded in calm waters or thrown asunder by a Force 9 gale. Stuck in “reaction mode”, dictated by those around us, whether people or events. 
Not only do we lose control of our lives, but it’s exhausting. Trapped on an emotional roller coaster, without beginning or end. Ahhhh….. 
And that’s probably more than enough of that for one day… 
So, you may ask, what happened to our usual upbeat vibe (!) AND, more importantly, where are we going with this? 
Well, as always, there is method in our madness. Yes, really! 
It’s to remind you of a very simple truth. Only one person is in charge of your life. You. YOU!!! 
And, yes, we know this can seem like a rather scary thought, not to mention a huge amount of responsibility, but it’s true. 
We each get to choose how to live our lives. Not only how we feel generally – is your glass half full or half empty? – but also about every person or event we encounter as we go about our day. And yet, all too often, we seem to forget this simple truth and get swept along by those around us, with all too predictable results. 
If this still sounds far too complicated, then how about simply adopting the “glass half full” approach to life? Make being happy your default setting, regardless of whatever else may be happening in your life or the wider world. Looking for the positives in every person – or event – which are always there if you look for them. Yes, they are! 
And, as you do, something magical happens. Life flows much more easily and smoothly. When you’re on a more even keel – to continue the watery theme (!) – life reflects that, as do the people around you. And we’ve all experienced the seemingly magical effects of being in a good mood. Or, at least, more laid back about life. Suddenly there’s much less drama and hassle. And, when things do come up, finding them quick and easy to deal with. 
If you enjoy the drama of being on your own emotional roller coaster, being thrown around from one thing to another, fine, keep doing it! But, for most people, a smooth easy ride wins every time. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
Photograph by unknown author 
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