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We haven’t mentioned serendipity recently – or synchronicity if you prefer (!) – but either way we had a lovely example of it in action shortly after posting last week’s blog about daring to dream. It came courtesy of a blog we subscribe to. 
For a whole host of different reasons, many people seem to find it hard to start dreaming about what they really want. “Isn’t it being selfish?” “How could it ever happen?” Not to mention all the other rubbish the Little Monster in their head comes up with (!). And we’re sure your own Little Monster has their own particular favourites too… 
So, here’s a great reminder of how to get things moving in the right direction, by focussing on the positive rather than the negative.  
Ready? Here goes: 
Focus more on the joyful outcomes you want and less on the outcomes that frighten you. 
Focus more on helping and less on criticising. 
Focus more on the blessings in your life and less on the problems. 
Focus more on your own well-being and less on trying to please others. 
Focus more on gratitude and less on impatience. 
Focus more on harmony and less on conflict. 
Focus more on acceptance and less on resistance. 
Focus more on good news and less on bad news. 
Focus more on solutions and less on problems. 
Focus more on compassion and less on judgments. 
Focus more on inspiration and less on discipline. 
Focus more on enjoying this moment right here, right now. 
Your life is NOW. The things you focus on influence how you feel which, in turn, influence the overall quality of life. Give yourself the gift of choosing a positive focus as much as possible. 
We couldn’t have put it better ourselves. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
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