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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
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Posts from August 2022

Just a very quick post this week, to say we’re going to take a short intermission from our weekly blog posts and will be back as usual on the 14th September. 
However, with over 400 posts to choose from on our website, there’s plenty to keep you going in the meantime! 
So why not play “lucky dip” and choose a month? 
If nothing else, the recent spell of VERY hot weather – at least, hot for the UK (!) – has forced us all to slow down. Well, in many cases, grind to a halt… 
It’s given us the opportunity to take some time out of our all too busy lives and, perhaps, mull things over. What’s working for us and, just as importantly, what may need “tweaking” – or, possibly, something more drastic… 
Rediscovering what really matters to us – floats our boat (!) – and what just doesn’t hit the spot anymore. And may be never really did in the first place, but reflected the thoughts or desires of those around us. 
A good night’s sleep is one of those things we all take for granted. That is until we’re wide awake at 3 in the morning and wondering whether we’ll ever go back to sleep before it’s time to get up… 
Not surprisingly, many people have found their sleep patterns have gone completely haywire over the last couple of years. And there are many different possible reasons for this besides the uncertainty, stress and changes to routine; any of which can prevent us from having a good night’s sleep. 
We’ve written about sleep several times before, not only about how to ensure a good night’s sleep, but how important it is from a housekeeping point of view; allowing our bodies to do the multitude of tasks vital for our health and wellbeing which can’t be done during the day. You can find the posts here and here
Everyone loves to pass on information, otherwise known as having a good gossip (!). And, human nature being what it is, the juicer and more scandalous, the better... 
So, with it now being August, otherwise known as the “Silly Season” – and that’s without everything else going on at the moment (!) – it seemed like a good time to pass on a story and simple technique to help inject a little sanity into the proceedings. It’s stood the test of time, coming from the Ancient Greek Philosopher, Socrates, and goes like this: 
