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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
As always, if you have any health concerns, please consult an appropriately qualified health professional. 

Posts from May 2024

A couple of days earlier than usual – just to confuse everyone (!) – a quick reminder that we’re going to take a short break from our weekly blog posts, back as usual on Wednesday 12th June. 
However, with nearly 500 posts on our blog page, there are still plenty to choose from in the meantime! 
So, why not play “lucky dip” and choose a month to have a look at? 
And, “no”, we’re not talking about any of the “stuff” the mainstream media try to convince us will assure our success / happiness / fill in the blank. Money. Titles. Degree. Latest “must have.” 
In fact, it’s so simple it’s easily overlooked. Often thought of as rather old fashioned or quaint. Despite that, we can guarantee it’ll make you stand out from the crowd and everyone will love you for it. 
Have you guessed what it is yet? 
It’s been a while since we’ve devoted a blog post to our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, particularly the amount of time we spend sitting each day. Our last post on this topic can be found here
Interestingly, when we mention this to people, they always seem to focus on one particular aspect of their lives; the time spent at work – school or college – rather than their lives as a whole. While this may account for quite a chunk of time each day, it’s not the complete picture. What about all those other times during the day we’re sat down? Travelling. Eating. Relaxing at home, whether in front of the “one eyed monster” or on our favourite device. 
There are so many things we take for granted – as being true – that we never stop to give them a second thought. Whether they really are true or, at least, true for us – let alone anyone else… 
Some are so fundamental that we probably haven’t thought about them since we were at school. The Sun will rise each morning and set each evening. Stars shine in the night sky. Earth turn and gravity stop us from “falling off” and spinning out into space (!). 
