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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
As always, if you have any health concerns, please consult an appropriately qualified health professional. 

Posts from October 2024

With everything going on in the world around us, let alone in our own lives, it’s all too easy to find ourselves completely swamped by it all. Swept along by whatever emotions – or circumstances – we encounter as we go about our day. 
If those around us are sad or angry, then finding ourselves feeling sad or angry too. Noticing that our previously good mood turned sour the moment we met someone who was in a bad mood – or having a bad day. 
A couple of weeks’ ago we talked about the questions we ask ourselves AND how often they just give us the answer we want – or expect – rather than one that actually helps us. Or, more accurately, the answer the Little Monster in our Heads wants… 
As this tends to undermine our best intentions or efforts, there are no prizes for guessing the end result. Continuing to do the same thing over and over again, regardless of how much we say – or think – we’d prefer something different… You can find the post here
We all have our own “pet” – or favourite – subjects (!) and there aren’t any prizes for guessing one of ours. 
As in, how much are you drinking each day – and, “No” tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol and the rest don’t count! If we had a pound for every time someone said this to us, we’d be very rich indeed… 
Yes, we know, it can seem rather repetitive – not to mention boring (!) – at times, but there is method in our madness. 
While we don’t think of ourselves as living in water, in reality we do, with our bodies being made up of more than 75% water. Every one of the billions of cells found in our body is bathed in water. Our body’s main transport systems, the blood and lymph, are water based. The millions of chemical reactions occurring every second do so in water. And, so, the list goes on. 
Have you noticed how good we are at asking the question that gives us the answer we want?!? Or, more accurately, the answer the Little Monster in our heads wants… 
And, as all too often, this just undermines our best intentions or efforts; there are no prizes for guessing the end result. Continuing to do the same thing over and over again, regardless of how much we say – or think – we’d prefer something different… 
It’s interesting how the same topics seem to come up again and again with Clients – and how these usually coincide with a high profile marketing campaign for the latest “health” product… This certainly applies to the one we’d like to talk about today. 
Having said that, with concerns about cows milk, coupled with a huge increase in so called “plant based” foods – as well as those badged as “Vegetarian” or “Vegan” – it’s really not surprising that plant based milks have become so popular in recent years. You’ll probably have noticed them during your regular trip to the local supermarket. Perhaps even wondered why they seem to take up more shelf space than regular cows’ milk. 
