Rewriting the script - do you really mean what you're saying?
Posted on 24th June 2015 at 07:30
A couple of weeks ago we wrote about spending time alone – and how “alone” has an entirely different meaning to the one understood by most people.
Since then we‘ve had some fascinating conversations with clients about some other words. Not to mention a few “ah ha” moments of our own.
So, this week, we’d like to highlight a few other words you’re sure to use every day. Ones you probably don’t think twice about using. And have never stopped to wonder what they actually mean.
And here they are:
Hope. Trust. Believe. Know.
We bet these weren’t the words you were expecting but, bear with us, it’ll all make sense in a minute.
Before we go any further, let’s stop and see them in action – it’ll probably remind you of those tedious grammar lessons at school, but there is method in our madness (!).
I HOPE we’ll have a great holiday.
I TRUST we’ll have a great holiday.
I BELIEVE we’ll have a great holiday.
I KNOW we’ll have a great holiday.
Don’t just read them. Say them out loud – no one’s listening. As you do so, feel how different the intent – and energy – behind them are.
How different HOPE feels to TRUST.
HOPE has that air of wishful thinking about it. It feels very tentative. Of not being at all sure it’s going to happen. You can almost hear the fingers being crossed as you say it. “Please just let it happen.”
Now compare it with TRUST. It feels much more solid. It’s definitely going to happen. Certain. “There’s no doubt, it’s going to happen.”
Dig out a dictionary and these differences are immediately confirmed.
HOPE is defined as “a wish to have something or for something to happen or be true.” While TRUST is “confidence in and reliance on something.”
If we go back to the examples above, would you prefer to HOPE you’ll have a good holiday or TRUST you will? To have your fingers crossed or be certain?
Which takes us on to BELIEVE and KNOW.
BELIEVE, again, brings with it an air of uncertainty. Of not being 100% sure it’s true, although you’d like to think it is. It doesn’t quite have the wishful thinking feel of HOPE, although you’re still not sure about it.
What about KNOW? Like TRUST, there’s that immediate feeling of solidity. That you don’t have to think any more about it. It’s definitely going to happen.
Let’s go back to the dictionary. BELIEVE is “to be of the opinion that something exists or is a reality, especially when there is no absolute proof.” KNOW “is to be firm in the certainty or truth of something.”
And so back to the question about the holiday. Would you prefer to BELIEVE you’ll have a good one or KNOW you will?
There can be little doubt that the words we use are very powerful, reflecting our intent as we say them. So why not deliberately use them to help create the life you desire? To TRUST and KNOW rather than HOPE or BELIEVE.
If you’ve read the blog for a while, you’ll know how much we like to get you thinking. And experimenting with different ways of doing things. And this week is no different.
As you go about your day make a mental note of every time you use the words HOPE and BELIEVE. Is it just wishful thinking or are you more confident about the outcome?
Can you replace them with TRUST or KNOW? If so, then stop and repeat whatever you’ve just said using TRUST or KNOW instead. Notice how different it feels.
If you’re not confident about the outcome, take a step back and ask yourself why. And is there anything you can do to change this?
While this may all sound a little cumbersome to start with, you’ll quickly notice how your energy – and intention – changes as you consciously decide what you’re going to say. And once you do that, the ball starts to roll.
Change what you’re saying and how you act changes too. And, the best bit, so does the end result.
And, for all of you who say you’re far too busy (!), you’ll quickly notice that TRUSTING and KNOWING are time savers too. Whatever you’re certain about requires no more thought – or worrying (!) – leaving you to get on with the rest of your day. Isn’t life great?!?
As always, the choice is yours.
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