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It happens to us all from time to time. A sudden flash of inspiration strikes, perhaps as a bolt out of the blue or one of those “ah ha” moments. However it arrives, it brings a completely new understanding on something, large or small. Sends our imagination off in a totally new direction. Exhilarating and, often, more than a little scary as it has the potential to take us out of our comfort zone and into unchartered territory. Then, just as quickly, it vanishes without a trace leaving the feeling that we may have missed something important and, possibly, life changing. 
With its unexpected and fleeting nature, it’s not surprising we so often miss the opportunities inspiration brings. Its demand to “act now”, whether in being willing to think in a new way about a specific topic or by taking some sort of physical action. Sometimes we simply get distracted before it sinks in or life gets in the way. Maybe we’re not used to trusting our own inner guidance and feelings. Or it’s just too far outside our current thinking or comfort zone… 
Whatever the reason, a golden opportunity is lost. 
Inspiration is all about creativity, bringing new insights and answers that defy rational, logical thinking. It’s right brain thinking as its best, not bound by past experiences or whatever we think we know right now. It usually requires a leap of faith of some sort, the willingness to accept this new information or insight even though our logical left hand brain can’t quite understand it. 
That’s why inspiration often seems so transient. A one and only offer. Here one moment, gone the next. After all, trust doesn’t require a conscious decision. It’s either there or it isn’t. There’s no need for delay or conscious thought… 
If acting on inspiration as and when it appears is just too daunting – or too far out of your usual way of operating or comfort zone – then there’s an easy way to honour it when it comes your way. Simply use that feeling – and we all known what it is (!) – as a reminder to STOP and focus on it, immersing yourself in every detail. Let it imprint on your memory in as many ways as possible. Perhaps quickly jotting down a key word or phrase. Relishing the mental picture it brings. Savouring the accompanying emotions. 
Then, allowing it to simmer in the back of your mind, your sub conscious if you prefer. As this is still a creative, right sided brain process, no logical left brain thinking is needed. By allowing it to just “be”, it gives you time to acclimatise to this new insight. And, as you gradually become more familiar with it, other insights or information will then come your way, until you feel ready to make a decision on whether – or not (!) – to follow it. Perhaps you will, perhaps you won’t. 
And here’s the most important bit. It doesn’t matter which one you choose as, either way, it will have opened up your perspective for the future, so making it easier to trust yourself and your intuition next time inspiration strikes. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
Picture by unknown author 
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