Today is not over yet
Posted on 8th November 2017 at 07:30
We’ve all had those days.
You know, the ones where you never quite seem to get going.
Or, perhaps you did. Then something knocked you off course and you never regained your momentum.
And it doesn’t matter whether you were at home or work.
Either way, before you know it, it’s suddenly mid afternoon and you find yourself thinking that the day’s practically over.
It’s too late to get anything done, so you may as well just give up and have a cup of tea. Or coffee. With a biscuit or two. Spend the evening at home in front of the television.
But, today is not over yet.
So how about a new plan?
Doing those small things that make you smile. Raise your spirits. Get you moving in the right direction.
Before you know it, you’ll have achieved more than you could ever have believed possible and felt great in the process.
And, even better, you can apply these five little words – today is not over yet – to all those things that stop you making progress.
So you had two doughnuts, an expresso and more cigarettes than you’d care to admit to for breakfast.
Today is not over yet.
Missed your usual exercise class to go to the pub with mates.
Today is not over yet.
Succumbed to the lure of the “doom and gloom” soap opera / frittered away hours on your smartphone / facebook / latest game / (fill in the blank).
Today is not over yet.
Life is here to be lived and enjoyed.
It’s never too late to do things differently and live in the way you truly want to, rather than continuing to do things you’ll later regret.
Despite what the little monster in your head may say, there is no magic “right” time to do things differently or start moving in a new direction. That time is always now.
Today is not over yet.
If you wondered where these words of wisdom came from, it’s Tony Robbins, the Life Coach and all round wise owl.
And, before we go, here’s one other pearl of wisdom from him that perfectly follows on from these five little words:
“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”
As always, the choice is yours.
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