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Posts from November 2017

Over recent years soy has been marketed as the healthy alternative to many meat and dairy products, appearing in an ever increasing range of products found on supermarket shelves. Much has been made of the important part it plays in the diets of those in the Far East, particularly Japan and China. 
The logic goes that as Asian people traditionally have lower rates of heart disease, cancer and dementia AND soy is an important part of their diet; then it should be included in our diets for its health enhancing properties. (And, coincidentally, this is the reason clients always refer to when we ask them why they’ve made this change.) 
One topic that fascinates us – and has the ability to completely shatter many of our illusions about this world of ours – is time. 
How there is only now. This present moment. And the next. And next. Ad infinitum. 
The past has gone. But, when we were there, it was just another now. Another moment in time. (For some reason we haven’t yet fathomed, many people find this a hard notion to get their heads around.) 
The future has yet to come. And, yes, you’ve guessed it when you get there it’ll be another now. 
A couple of weeks ago we looked at the difference between minerals and vitamins. How important they BOTH are to good health and the complex web of relationships between them. 
As promised this week we’re focussing on one mineral in particular, magnesium, which has been the subject of much research in recent years. Interestingly, this has highlighted the large number of people who are deficient in this mineral AND the part this then plays in many health problems. It has also emphasised, once again, the part played by poor ongoing lifestyle choices. And they’re the ones we mention regularly – lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, dehydration, stress, lack of exercise and smoking. 
We’ve all had those days. 
You know, the ones where you never quite seem to get going. 
Or, perhaps you did. Then something knocked you off course and you never regained your momentum. 
And it doesn’t matter whether you were at home or work. 
Either way, before you know it, it’s suddenly mid afternoon and you find yourself thinking that the day’s practically over. 
It’s too late to get anything done, so you may as well just give up and have a cup of tea. Or coffee. With a biscuit or two. Spend the evening at home in front of the television. 
But, today is not over yet. 
So how about a new plan? 
Over the years we’ve noticed that the autumn seems to be the time when everyone starts thinking about taking a supplement to boost their health – and, hopefully, avoid the worst of the winter bugs. Usually this takes the form of a multi vitamin or, more commonly in recent years, a higher dose of a specific vitamin, particularly Vitamin C. 
For some reason people tend to overlook minerals – unless their multi vitamin happens to contain them too (!) – and how they’re just as important in maintaining good health. This may be due to research – and press coverage – in recent years focusing more on vitamins than minerals. Or, perhaps, no single mineral has caught the public’s attention in the way Vitamin C has. 
Whatever the reason(s) this week we’re going to focus on minerals and why they’re just as important as vitamins for good health. 
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