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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
As always, if you have any health concerns, please consult an appropriately qualified health professional. 

Posts from June 2019

Hardly has the summer finally started (!) than the usual dire warnings about the dangers of spending too much time in the sun have begun. And, each year, they seem to become louder and more insistent. It’s one of those annual traditions – if that’s the right word – we could well do without. And, dare we say it, be better replaced with a little common sense… 
As with so many things in life, it isn’t the sun that’s inherently dangerous BUT our approach to it which can be fraught with danger. This is particularly the case for those who spend the majority of their year indoors, except for their annual fortnight in the sun, when they bake themselves to a crisp in search of that elusive golden tan. It’s a topic we’ve covered before and, to avoid us repeating ourselves, can be found here
There are some words whose mere mention is – almost (!) – guaranteed to cause a deep collective breath in. A deep calming breath in preparation for whatever may be coming next. 
And, as an aside, what we find particularly interesting is how often the actual – dictionary – meaning of a word is completely different to the one commonly attributed to it. 
Anyway, before we digress too far, this isn’t what we wanted to focus on today. Instead, we’d like to give a completely new perspective on a word whose actual meaning we all seem to understand far too well. Responsibility. 
Yes we know it’s a day early (!) but, this week, we’re going to do two things we’ve never done before.  
And, no, we’re not still in holiday mode! 
The first is sending out this e mail about the weekly blog post a day early. 
The second is that, rather than writing the blog post ourselves, we’re going to link to one written by Dr Joseph Mercola. 
If you haven’t come across the Mercola website before, it’s a great source of information for health – and lifestyle – related matters. 
While chicken has been considered a healthy source of protein for years, eggs have received a much less favourable press. This is largely due to a simple misconception which we regularly hear from clients. That eggs are high in cholesterol and saturated fats, so promoting heart disease. If not avoided, they should only be eaten occasionally. 
Not surprisingly, this has led to a variety of different advice about limiting their consumption. These range from avoiding eggs altogether or, at the very most, eating no more than three eggs a week. As an aside, while doing a little research for this post, we were intrigued to come across the recommendation to only consume a quarter of an egg a week. Exactly how this would work in practice, we have no idea! 
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