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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
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Posts from August 2014

Stress is the modern epidemic and scarcely a day goes by without it appearing in the papers or on the news. With it being such an ingrained part of our culture, it’s surprising that so many people struggle to explain exactly what it is. 
In part this is because there are so many possible causes but, more importantly, what is considered “stressful” varies from person to person. What is one person’s “enjoyable challenge” is another’s “last straw”. 
Nowhere is the advertising hype greater than in the beauty industry, with “natural” or “organic” being some of the favourite claims. But what do these words actually mean – and are they worth paying extra for? 
Thanks to “our friends” in Europe, you’d have thought it would have been a simple job to find some regulations setting out the criteria to be met before any of these words could be used. So did we. 
It’s amazing the number of conversations we’ve had with people about our blog post a couple of weeks ago about mindset – What do you see, the rain or the rainbow? If you missed it, just scroll down to the picture of the rainbow. 
This has led on to a more general discussion about happiness and what makes each of us happy. While we instantly know whether we’re feeling happy or not, it’s much harder to describe in words. Why is this? 
Here in the UK, August is traditionally known as the “silly season”. With many people away on their summer holidays, the media are busy looking for stories to fill their newspapers and news bulletins. 
This year the silly season has started early, with stories about Ebola sweeping across the media. From the coverage you could be forgiven for thinking that it had already reached epidemic levels and was sweeping out of control across the globe. 
If you’re thinking you’ve seen this all before, you’d be right. Just think about Bird Flu, Swine Flu or SARS. Go back to the 1980’s and it was HIV and AIDS. 
So are we saying that you should ignore Ebola and hope it’ll go away? No, of course not. 
