It takes as long as it takes
Posted on 28th February 2018 at 07:30
We love passing on the stories that we hear, particularly those – like all the best fairy tales we enjoyed as children (!) – which have a moral at the end.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then here we go.
A travel writer was on assignment in Hawaii and taken to meet a local dancer who does the traditional – and ancient – Hula dance. Not, as you’d expect, a young girl but an older lady. A much older lady.
She begins with a demonstration. The music begins and she starts to move. Her hips swivel in a spiral. Her slender hands move in a wave. She beams with pleasure. And, as with all true experts, makes it look effortless.
So the obvious question is asked.
How long did it take for her to master the dance?
A few weeks, perhaps. A month. A year.