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They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
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Posts from October 2019

Eating a healthy diet – along with drinking plenty of water – are, to us, such obvious things to do. Not only are they simple, they’re one of the cornerstones of good health. After all, if we don’t put the correct “fuel” in our tanks, how on earth can we expect our bodies to function in the way we would like? 
Despite this, many people still seem to find the subject of what to eat completely overwhelming. As a result, they’re all too easily swayed by the latest “scientific discovery” or scare story in the media. Not forgetting the perennially persuasive advertising and confusing labels. “Healthy”, “natural”, “low fat”, “low sugar” and the like. 
Given all of this, it’s hardly surprising that many fall back on the offerings of their local shop, whether a supermarket, 24 hour garage or convenience store. But, sadly, there’s always a price to pay, although it may not become apparent for many years – or decades… 
We love listening to people talking, not always for what they’re saying (!) but the words they’re using. Whether we realise it or not, we all have our own particular favourite – or “pet” – words, which we seem to use more than others. 
And then there are the “pet” phrases which can become infamous in a family or group of friends. One which springs readily to mind – and is always guaranteed to bring a rather rueful smile to family gatherings – comes courtesy of an older family member, who starts many of her observations on life with “I’m not being funny or anything but …”. The response to this is always the same, “No, you’re not being funny at all!”. 
With a distinctly autumnal feeling in the air – and we’re not even going to mention the torrential rain of the past couple of weeks (!) - it’s not surprising that many people start taking supplements at this time of year. A bit like taking out an insurance policy for the winter ahead. 
It’s made even easier these days, with a huge range available in supermarkets and high street chemists, let alone your local health food store or online. Just pop a bottle – or two (!) – in your basket and you’re covered for the winter … 
Unfortunately, there’s a trap waiting to catch the unwary, particularly those on a budget or who focus on quantity rather than quality. It’s a topic we covered a while ago, particularly whether supplements really are a necessary part of modern life, which can be found here
We love this expression and it perfectly sums up what we’d like to talk about today. If you haven’t come across this phrase before, it dates back to the Middle Ages and was used by map makers to indicate unchartered areas. As little was known about them they were assumed to be dangerous, harbouring all sorts of monsters and other unmentionable beasts. Hence the warning writ large on early maps. 
