Unfinished business
Posted on 27th November 2019 at 08:48
And, if your halo is shining and think this doesn’t apply to you, think again!
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all carry around a little – or a lot (!) – unfinished business with us. Big or small. Far in the past or much more recent. Something we try to turn a blind eye to – or perhaps not...
Unfinished business is like a heavy bag we’re lugging around with us all the time. Draining our energy and getting in the way. Distracting us from the here and now.
And it’s not just our precious time and energy that we’ve wasted by starting something we’ve never quite finished. Often, leaving something open – in limbo – is much more draining than doing something about it. As well as the effects its ripples have over our life as a whole. And we’ve all found out about that at some time or other (!).