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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
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Posts from September 2017

Having focussed on Colds recently – not only what to do if the worst happens, but how to avoid them in the first place (!) – we weren’t expecting to continue on a similar theme this week. However, with a number of clients having come in with Sinusitis over the last couple of weeks, it seemed like one more blog post was needed on this topic before we move on to other things. 
As an aside, we should say that it’s very unusual to see clients with Sinusitis following a Cold so early in the season. In our experience we don’t expect to see it until the weather becomes much colder and damper. Although, having said that, the very changeable weather this summer may well be the reason for this. 
Over the last couple of years we’ve put various words we all use on a daily basis under the spotlight. And shown that they don’t quite have the meaning – or effect – many people think they do. Want. Need. Hope. 
Not forgetting those two seemingly innocuous little words, “I am (fill in the blank)”. And how what comes after them is so important, as it has the power to literally shape our own little world.  
In a positive way: “I am happy.” “I am fortunate.” 
Or, all too often, in a less helpful way: “I am fed up.” “I am so unlucky.” 
Well, recently, we’ve come across another little word that can have equally disastrous – and unintended – effects. It’s only four letters long but has the power to transform whatever comes after it into an uphill battle. 
A couple of weeks ago we looked at all the simple things you could do to help make this a bug free winter. Getting the basics right. 
But what if, despite all your best efforts, the worst happens? Well, all is not lost. There are lots of things you can do at home to help speed bugs on their way. 
Let’s start with the most obvious one that most people seem to overlook. 
A couple of weeks ago we posed a very simple question – “What’s the most important thing you should do every morning?” – and seem to have inadvertently ruffled a few feathers in the process. 
All the comments we received went along much the same lines. 
Didn’t we understand how much people had going on in their lives? 
That they didn’t have the time to be grateful for the simple fact that they’re alive. 
And what with Brexit / the economy / winter approaching / their work / family / fill in the blank what did they have to be grateful for anyway? 
You get the picture. 
