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Posts from April 2020

This week we’re taking a break from writing a blog post and, instead, sharing a very poignant poem sent to us by a client. Thank you, SW. We trust it’ll touch you as much as it did us and, perhaps, even bring a tear to your eye too… 
Oh, and if you’re wondering about the choice of picture, who can resist the sight of lambs at this time of year?!? 
It’s always good to have something to mull over and give the “little grey cells” a gentle workout. So, this week, we’re going to take a look at a little conundrum that’s been intriguing us in recent weeks. And that’s people’s shopping choices in the run up – and during – the current madness. 
Here in the UK, we’re used to milk and bread flying off the shelves at the first mention of snow. Well, let’s be honest, even at the mere thought of snow. Which, in reality, usually means a couple of inches max and the country grinding to a halt for a few days. It’s one of those unwritten traditions we’ve all learnt to expect... 
This is in stark contrast with a lovely comment we heard years ago from a Canadian. When asked whether she was worried about it snowing – and having to drive back to her hotel in London (!) – she said there wasn’t “proper” snow in the UK. Her definition of “snow” being that she couldn’t find her car in the morning. It certainly gives a very different perspective! 
Despite the unusually strong wind / gales we’ve had over the last few months, it’s been a mild Winter, with very few frosts. And, here in the southern part of the UK, none of the “white stuff” either (!). This means that Spring started early this year and, with Easter being well into April, it feels that Summer is just around the corner. Particularly, with the blossom in full swing and the first swallows appearing over the weekend. Hurrah! 
Unfortunately, another less welcome sign of Spring is also starting to make an appearance. Like many other spring flowers it’s also yellow and, for us, always signals the start of the Hayfever season. Have you guessed what it is? Oilseed rape. 
As clients and regular readers of this blog will know by now, we find the human condition endlessly fascinating. And not, as we always hasten to add, in an “OMG” way. Or any other unkind or judgemental way (!). 
Rather, what interests us is the myriad of different ways in which people can view the same event. And then react to it. Not surprisingly, the events of recent weeks have provided a very good example of this. And continue to do so… 
Interestingly, many of the responses – particularly in the early days – were those we more often see in connection with grief. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. The classic stages which many people go through, although often not in that particular order or at the time. It’s a topic we’ve covered before and our post can be found here
While we may not like to think of ourselves as animals – and herd animals at that (!) – this is exactly what human beings are. We are naturally social by nature, albeit to varying degrees and with different people (!). 
As a result – and however much we may not like to admit it – we’re influenced by what’s going on around us ALL the time. Whether consciously or not. 
Perhaps from the people around us. Whether we’re interacting with them or not. What they’re saying, doing, thinking or feeling. 
Or, may be, from a change in what’s going on in the wider world around us. 
