Pain is there for a reason
Posted on 25th January 2017 at 07:30
While the title of this week’s post may be stating the blindingly obvious (!), in this high tech world of ours it’s all too easy to reach for the painkillers at the first sign of any pain or discomfort.
Sadly, this trend is borne out by figures recently released in America. These showed that prescriptions of opium based painkillers have increased by over 300% in the last 10 years. And, where America goes, all too often England follows.
Alongside this addiction to painkillers – whether on prescription, over the counter or on the black market – is increasing at an alarming rate, particularly among teenagers and young adults. With painkillers now considered a “gateway drug” to heroin, it’s not surprising that alarm bells are ringing loudly.
At the same time, by a strange twist of fate, it’s also been suggested that using opium based painkillers to manage pain over the longer term may actually increase pain, rather than helping to reduce or manage it.