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Posts from January 2023

A couple of weeks ago we looked at one of the most common diet related myths – or, if you prefer, mis conceptions (!) – we regularly hear from Clients. Eggs are bad for you and should be avoided. As so often is the case, the exact opposite is true… If you missed the post, it can be found here
This week we’re going to continue on a diet related theme, looking at a group of foods which many people say they don’t like – and will often try to avoid at all costs. We’ve even heard people saying they can’t eat them or are allergic to every single one of them. Although, having said that, when we’ve dug a bit deeper – no pun intended, as you’ll find out in a minute (!) – it usually has much more to do with how this food was prepared and cooked, rather than the food itself. 
And, yes, we know it’s a very clever play on words, but that doesn’t stop it from being true... 
Assumptions really do make an ASS out of U and ME… 
So, the question is, why do we carry on making them??? 
With the start of another New Year – and the over indulgences of the festive period (!) - it’s not surprising that January is the month when many people think about cleaning up their diets. With the same misconceptions coming up every year, we thought we’d look at one of the perennial favourites this week. That eggs, particularly the yolks, are bad for you and should be avoided. Or at least only eaten very occasionally. The rationale behind this is that eggs are high in cholesterol and saturated fats, so promoting heart disease. 
First things first, a very happy – and healthy – 2023, may it be a great year for you! 
Having tried to inject a little common sense into the festive season during December (!), we thought we’d continue this theme into the bright, shiny New Year. And, there are no prizes for guessing what we’re turning our attention to this week. New Year’s resolutions. Or, as we usually refer to them, the dreaded New Year’s resolutions. 
Why dreaded you may ask? 
