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Blog posts are provided for information only and are NOT intended as medical advice.  
They aim to provide a different perspective on a wide range of issues and are opinions based on the  
knowledge, research and experience we have built up over many years.  
You are welcome to use them as part of your own research and reach your own conclusions.  
As always, if you have any health concerns, please consult an appropriately qualified health professional. 

Posts tagged “New perspectives”

You’ve probably heard this story before in one form or other. And, before we go any further, we’d better say that it harks back to pre satnav days, although it does still happen from time to time… Anyway, before we digress too far, on with the story. 
Someone gets lost and stops to ask a Local for directions. Usually, said Local is leaning on a gate or chewing a straw, so it’s easy for the person lost to be rather rude about them (!). The Local thinks about it for a moment and then says, well I wouldn’t start from here… 
It’s been a while since we talked about appreciation and how a little goes a long way, we even used this as the title of a post way back in 2017. 
And it sounds like such a simple thing to do. Just find things – anything (!) – to appreciate as you go about your day. And not just things. People, events or anything else that catches your eye and pushes your appreciation – or feel good – buttons. 
First things first. We wish you a very happy – and healthy (!) – New Year, may 2025 be a great year for you!!! 
So, another shiny New Year beckons. The million dollar question is what are you going to do with it? What plans do you have? Big and, just as important, small. And, if you’re wondering why small is just as important, there’s a very simple answer. Not only are small things less scary and so easier to do – as well as fitting more easily into your day – but quickly build up into a much bigger result. 
