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We’ve mentioned – once or twice (!) – how much more control we have over our lives than we realise. While we may not be able to control everything that happens, we do control how we perceive and then respond to it. 
Or, as Sadhguru, the Indian Mystic more eloquently expressed it: 
“What happens in your life is not 100% in your control, but what you make out of it is 100% in your control.” 
And that little piece of wisdom is well worth printing out and putting somewhere you can see it regularly… 
Moving swiftly on (!). 
We were reminded about this recently when we came across a beautiful poem written by an American teenager, Chanie Gorkin, for a school assignment. 
If you’re sitting comfortably, then here it is: 
Today was the absolute worst day ever 
And don't try to convince me that 
There's something good in every day 
Because, when you take a closer look, 
This world is a pretty evil place. 
Even if 
Some goodness does shine through once in a while 
Satisfaction and happiness don't last. 
And it's not true that 
It's all in the mind and heart 
True happiness can be attained 
Only if one's surroundings are good. 
It's not true that good exists 
I'm sure you can agree that 
The reality 
My attitude 
It's all beyond my control 
And you'll never in a million years hear me say that 
Today was a very good day. 
Now you’ve got one perspective, read it back the other way – from the bottom to the top – and you’ll get a very different one. 
Now for the million dollar question. 
Which one do you prefer?!? 
Choose wisely. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
Picture by unknown author 
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