What are you absorbing today?
Posted on 2nd December 2015 at 07:30
As regular readers may have noticed we cover a wide range of topics in this blog. Our aim is always to get you thinking – whether it’s about a completely new topic or to see a familiar one from a different perspective. In doing this, it can be easy to miss the links between all the various topics and this is what we’re focussing on today.
So if you’re still thinking that this is a very strange question – and choice of picture below (!) – read on, it’ll all make sense in a minute.
When we’ve posed this question to people, the first thing that comes into their minds is what they’re eating. Or possibly drinking.
And while this is a good place to start, it’s only one of the ways we absorb things during the day.
So what about the other ways you absorb things each day?
Well, let’s start with an easy one. How about the chemicals contained in the various lotions and potions you may use. Cosmetics. Deodorants. Scents and body sprays. Sunscreens. You get the idea.
And that’s without considering any medications...
While it may not seem like it, the skin is very permeable, particularly in children and those of more mature years (!). Children have a large body surface area with more tender skin; while those over 65 have thinner skin, as well as damage from years of exposure to the sun.
In both cases the end result is that any chemical placed directly on the skin can easily pass through it, directly into the tissues below and blood stream. And, from there, around the body. This is graphically illustrated by blood tests on new born babies which have found a huge number of chemicals already present in their blood stream, which can only have come from the mother.
Added to this, any product applied directly to the skin acts as a barrier. It may feel soft and moisturised but this is only an illusion. We were going to say “skin deep”, but that really was too much of a pun!
Rather than helping hydrate the skin, anything directly applied to it forms as an impenetrable layer. Not only does this stop the skin from “breathing”, it also prevents sebum – the body’s natural moisturiser and protective layer – from reaching the surface of the skin.
With many body and beauty products being petroleum based, things only get worse. This is because petroleum actually dries the skin – if you’ve ever got petrol on your hands when filling up the car, you’ll know exactly what we mean.
Stop using any of these products and you’ll quickly find this out for yourself. Your skin seems to be drier, making it easy to assume that the products were helping. But sadly this wasn’t the case at all.
And we haven’t even mentioned Vitamin D, which is naturally produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, provided there is nothing on the skin to prevent it…
Ok so now you’ve got the idea, what else do you absorb each day? What about the air you breathe?
Air pollution, particularly from very small particles, is linked to many health problems. The lungs are incredibly permeable to allow oxygen to pass into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide – and other waste products – to be released back into them and so back into the atmosphere. This means that many other substances can also easily pass into the bloodstream via the lungs. Not only this, but air borne particles can also block the tiny tubes and sacs deep within the lungs, so reducing the effectiveness of the oxygen / carbon dioxide exchange process.
Often, in the summer, weather reports will mention air pollution. But what about the rest of the year?
And what about the pollution in your own home or workplace from the products you use? Air fresheners and room sprays. The chemicals released by the cleaners you use at home or in industrial processes at work.
This is why it’s so important to spend time outside every day, all year round, away from main roads and other sources of pollution to help clear your lungs. And is the reason why sea air always seems so clean and fresh.
So, we’ve talking about the things you eat. Put on your skin. The air you breathe. But there’s one more that’s easy to overlook. What about the things your mind absorbs every day?
Whether it’s things you see or hear – consciously or subconsciously – your mind still absorbs them. Good or bad, they all affect how you feel – about yourself and others – and what your day is like. If you’re in any doubt as to how the things you encounter every day affect you, try noticing how you feel when you watch the news or read the paper or spend time with certain friends or family.
Fascinating research by Dr Bruce Lipton has found that how you feel alters your body chemistry and this, in turn, changes the way your cells function. And this isn’t a one off change, it happens in response to every change in your feelings as you go through the day.
However your dominant feelings and mindset – positive or negative – determine your underlying body chemistry and so your underlying health. Not to mention how effectively the immune system functions. This is why those with a “glass half full approach to
life" and looking for the positive in any situation, seem to have better health and a stronger immune system.
We know that looking at the bigger picture – and joining the dots – can seem rather daunting, but it needn’t be. It’s simply a case of being aware of the little things you’re doing every day. How they ALL add up to affect your overall health. Looking at them with a fresh pair or eyes and asking yourself whether they’re really helping you.
Taking regular exercise is good but do you really need to have that “sweet treat” afterwards? Looking after your skin feels great but why not switch to more natural – less chemical laden – products? It really doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult to do.
Lessening the toxic load you carry every day, one small piece at a time, can really make a huge difference to your health over the longer term. Not only improving your health and happiness, but your finances too.
As always, the choice is yours.
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