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Not surprisingly we’re often asked this question by people. And, to be honest, there isn’t a simple answer. 
Certainly not one that neatly fits into a single sentence, as all the marketing people suggest. 
The closest we’ve come to this is talking about offering a more natural and holistic approach to health issues. But that still isn’t very helpful. 
Listing the therapies we offer – which is much longer than appears on our leaflet and website – isn’t much better. Particularly if it’s the first time someone has considered the complementary approach. 
Nor is going to the other extreme and giving a huge amount of detail about each therapy. Unless you want a long conversation, with a great deal of confusion thrown in for good measure! 
The problem is that we don’t have a standard, one size fits all, approach. We don’t treat everyone in the same way. 
Now before you jump to entirely the wrong conclusion, this doesn’t mean that one person gets a great service while another doesn’t. 
Quite the contrary. 
Rather that we tailor treatment to each individual. To us, this makes complete sense. Every person has their own unique health issues and concerns. Their own medical – and family – history. Diet and lifestyle. Temperament. 
Or, as someone so eloquently put it, “the recipe for each child is different.” 
So, of course, each person needs their own personalised programme. Not forgetting common sense advice – and suggestions of things they can do at home to help themselves – all tailored to their own particular needs. 
This is the reason why we spend time getting to know each person. Understanding how they came to be where they are now. 
If you prefer an analogy, then in many ways it’s like doing a jigsaw. It takes time to collect all the necessary pieces and put them together to get the full picture. And that’s without having the picture on the lid to help us. Or knowing how many pieces we’re meant to have in the first place! 
And this helps explain one of the major sources of confusion we regularly encounter. How we can see several people with the same issue and treat them in completely different ways. 
Let’s use headaches as an example. Say, the pounding variety that leaves the person feeling bad tempered and sick. 
One person has had them since sustaining whiplash in a car accident. While another is extremely stressed. And a third only has them when detoxing. 
On the face of it, the headache may sound the same. But the trigger is completely different. So, of course, each one would need to be approached in a completely different way. 
Interestingly, very few people seem to come with only one issue. Or they may mention one issue, but it quickly becomes clear that this isn’t their main – or only – concern. More often, there’s a list – and sometimes a very long one! 
Again, at first, it may appear that the issues are entirely separate. But this isn’t often the case. Usually there’s an underlying theme which needs to be addressed. 
Staying with the headaches example, one person may also have gout and a tendency towards constipation. While it may not be immediately apparent, these conditions all have a common link. Toxicity. Of not being able to efficiently clear waste products from the body. 
So here a personalised programme would include detoxing, as well as the time honoured advice of drinking more water to aid the process (!). While it would be all too easy to focus on just the headaches, this wouldn’t have the desired overall effect. 
And this is what makes us different to other practitioners. 
We don’t just focus on the issue a person wants help with now. We look at all aspects of their health. To see the connections that other practitioners may have missed. 
If this sounds like the approach for you, please do call or email us to find out more. 
As always, the choice is yours. 
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