Hayfever, why a little pre emptive action always wins the day...
Posted on 22nd February 2023 at 07:44
While it may seem rather early to be thinking about it, this time of year is when we start to look ahead to the forthcoming Hayfever season. And, yes, we appreciate that those affected probably do not want to be reminded about what may be just around the corner (!). However, there’s a very good reason for this and one we’d like to talk about today.
From our perspective, there are two very different issues to be dealt with when looking at any issue and Hayfever illustrates this very well.
The first – and not surprisingly – one people tend to focus on are the actual symptoms themselves. Sneezing, wheezing, runny eyes, bunged up nose – or running like a tap – and the rest. And, while these are very hard to miss, they only provide part of the picture.
The second, is the deeper issue and one that tends to be overlooked, particularly by conventional medicine. The tendency – or susceptibility – to Hayfever.
In other words, why does this person have a tendency to Hayfever while others don’t? And, equally important, why does each person have their own particular set of symptoms which may vary a little – or a lot – from other people?
And this is where the difference in approach becomes very apparent.
If the focus is on the first issue, the symptoms, treatment ONLY occurs when symptoms are apparent – the “Hayfever season” – AND is palliative. ie, focuses on removing them as far as possible. Once the symptoms have cleared – or the “Hayfever Season” is over – treatment stops. That is until it starts all over again. And, so, the cycle repeats year after year. The symptoms are treated but the cycle isn’t broken. Another miserable Summer beckons.
However, with the “Hayfever Season” only lasting part of the year – thank goodness (!) – a golden opportunity is missed. Using the time when symptoms aren’t apparent to address the deeper issues. The tendency – or susceptibility – to Hayfever.
By doing this, the tendency – or susceptibility – is, at best, completely removed or, at least, reduced and with it, the symptoms. Sometimes, this happens very quickly and easily so the person is completely free of Hayfever, hurrah! Other times, the tendency – or susceptibility – is gradually “chipped away” over several “Hayfever Seasons” with their symptoms improving each year.
By using this two pronged approach, treatment can be both palliative – so far as any remaining symptoms are concerned – AND curative. Not surprisingly, from a Client’s point of view, this approach makes a huge difference. Which brings us back to why we think about Hayfever at this time of year. We call it the “Hayfever set up” but that’s just a quick way of describing what we’re doing. Setting the Client up for an improved – or non existent (!) – “Hayfever Season.”
The good news is that this approach isn’t limited to Hayfever. It can be used for ANY health concern, addressing the symptoms themselves AND the underlying tendency – or susceptibility – to whatever it is.
Generally, it’s simpler to deal with the underlying issues when the Client isn’t having acute symptoms, but the two prongs can be used together if need be. Why is this? Well, like any symptoms, it takes a lot of energy for the body to produce them. So, asking the body to do even more work in clearing the underlying issues at the same time, can lead to a flare up which is not something anyone wants. Waiting until the symptoms have, at least, reduced makes the whole process much easier all round.
If you’re interested in finding out more about susceptibility and risk factors, we’ve talked about it before and the post can be found here.
Similarly, to find out more about Hayfever and the things you can do at home to help yourself, click here.
While we’ve talked about the two pronged approach in connection with health concerns, it applies equally to ANY recurring issues you may have in your life. The giveaway is if something isn’t resolved, for whatever reason, and makes a reappearance. And another. Then another. Now there’s an interesting little thought to leave you with…
As always, the choice is yours.
Photograph by unknown author
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