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Posts tagged “Lifestyle”

We all love stories, the more dramatic and exciting the better. After all, who doesn’t like a good reaction, whether positive or less so. 
And, if we’re honest, we tend to get so caught up in the story that we rarely stop to ask ourselves one very important question. 
This week we’re going to repeat a post we originally wrote in the early days of our blog, back in 2016. It follows several similar conversations we’ve had with Clients recently, which is always a hint it would make a good topic for a blog post (!). Sadly, it’s even more true today than it was then although, on the plus side, there does seem to be much more awareness that there is another, more natural approach to health… 
So, here we go… 
Having been in practice for a number of years we’re aware that our perspective on life generally – and health in particular – is rather different to everyone else’s (!). Or, as a younger family member so delightfully puts it, “You’re not normal, why can’t you be like everyone else?” Much to his annoyance we take this as a compliment, rather than the wind up he was intending! 
With “that” time of year rapidly approaching, we smiled to ourselves at a challenge posed by one of the blogs we subscribe to. On one hand it sounds deceptively simple. Not doing something we all say we don’t want to do AND only for 30 days. 
With most challenges involving doing something we HAVE to do every day, it makes a very refreshing change. 
It’s something we all do at one time or another. And, in some cases, much, much more often (!). 
It’s a while since we’ve heard anyone mention this simple tip to help improve your eating habits. If you missed it – or had completely forgotten about it (!) – it’s quite simple. To include as many differently coloured fruits, vegetables and salad with every meal. 
Not only does it make every meal look much more interesting and appetising – hurrah (!) – but encourages a much more diverse diet bringing with it a greater selection of nutrients. So, an easy way to improve your diet with the minimum of effort. 
We all try to do the “right” thing, whatever that may be. Whether in our own lives or affecting the wider world. And, let’s be honest, sometimes we wonder why on earth we bother – or whether it’s really making any difference. 
Having had this conversation several times recently with both Clients and friends – which is always a hint it would make a good topic for a blog post (!) – here’s a great little story to remind you that it’s ALWAYS worthwhile. 
If you’re sitting comfortably, then here we go. 
We often talk about the importance of spending time outside every day. Not only does it feel good to have a break away from the hurly burly of modern life, but natural daylight plays an important part in helping set our natural body rhythms. Often referred to as the Circadian Rhythms, they control many different body functions including the sleep – wake cycle, release of hormones, body temperature, eating habits and digestion. 
Before we go any further, let’s quickly dispel one very common misconception. So far as your body’s concerned, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a beautiful sunny day or a wet overcast one. It’s being outside in natural wavelength light that’s the important thing. You’ll still reap the benefits regardless of what the weather’s doing. 
We all have them from time to time, those days where things don’t seem to flow as smoothly as we’d like. Or, perhaps, don’t seem to flow at all (!). When everything is so much more of an effort than usual… 
As with everything in life, there are many different reasons why this may be the case. 
Yes, it’s another case of déjà vu! 
Having revisited the topic of Glyphosate a couple of a weeks’ ago – you can find it here if you missed it – we’re going to take another look at a topic that’s turned out to be much more complicated than anticipated. 
It relates to one of those health mantras that simply hasn’t delivered the desired results, despite having been part of conventional health advice since the 1960’s. While it’s aimed at those with Heart or Kidney problems, it’s generally considered a “good thing” for our health and has become a basic diet guideline. To adopt a low salt diet. 
Like us, you may not have come across this word before. Tolerations. 
And, if we’re completely honest, we weren’t 100% sure it was a “proper” word, so ended up checking it in an online dictionary. Much to our surprise, it was there, although the first definition we came across wasn’t particularly helpful: 
“The practice of tolerating something, in particular, differences of opinion or behaviour.” 
It’s fair to say there are some topics we never expected to write about – let alone more than once – and this certainly applies to the subject of today’s blog post. What is equally true is that the initial concern of its link to certain Cancers, particularly Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, was only the start. We last wrote about this topic back in 2019 and the post can be found here
Sadly, it’s become increasingly clear that it has a much more general – and insidious – effect on our health. One which isn’t immediately obvious, if at all, but helps start the dominoes falling in completely the wrong direction and may explain the increase in many seemingly unrelated health problems over recent years. Ah, now the choice of picture makes sense! 
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