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Posts tagged “Mindset”

Clients often ask us why they don’t seem to be getting the results they desire, particularly where they’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into personal development and it doesn’t seem to be bearing fruit. While it’s very simple in theory – just keep your focus on the direction you wish to go and what you desire – as so often is the case, there are many different variables to take into account. 
We were struck the other day by how much guilt there seems to be in our lives these days. While it’s always been there to a greater or lesser extent, levels seem to have ratcheted up significantly in the last few years, for entirely understandable – albeit often far from logical – reasons. And it would probably be best if we avoided that particular rabbit hole for the time being… 
Perhaps you’ve felt it, but never had the time – or inclination (!) – to think any more about it. Or, simply accepted the vague feeling of discontentment or apprehension as just “the way things are” and got on with your life. 
So, what on earth is going on and why has guilt become so prevalent these days? 
We seem to have so many different ways of making life much more difficult for ourselves. Not to mention more complicated and stressful. Although, to be fair, it’s not always entirely down to our own efforts, but thanks to the Little Monster in our Heads… 
Moving swiftly on from who may be in the driving seat (!), why do we do this? 
It’s been a while since we talked about mornings – not everyone’s favourite time of day, we know (!) – and how those first few minutes help set your day. Positively and less so… 
Not only that, how easy it is to overlook the most important thing of all. And one most people seem to take for granted. 
We talked about it back in 2017 and will give you the link a bit later – don’t scroll down and cheat (!) – but can you remember – or guess – what it is? 
And, yes, we appreciate the irony of using words to make this statement in the first place! Let alone us living in an era of hyper connectivity and near instantaneous communication, which was meant to raise communication to a whole new level. While it has certainly changed the way we communicate, in many instances this hasn’t been for the better. Just look at social media if you’re in any doubt... 
Not only has it fostered the belief that “more is better”, it encourages instant “knee jerk” reactions, neither of which bode well for good communication. We’ve talked about the pitfalls of our obsession with all things communication before and the post can be found here
With the seemingly never ending Winter we’ve “enjoyed” this year – which probably isn’t quite how most people would describe it (!) – it’s not surprising we’ve all been wondering whether the rain would ever stop. Let alone the temperatures rise enough to be able to shed at least one layer of Winter clothing… 
As so often is the case, the weather has suddenly “turned” and early Summer has arrived, bringing with it the first taste of – fingers crossed (!) – a glorious Summer to come. And, yes, our glass is still half full regardless of what life may throw at us. 
So, this week, a quick reminder about some of the joys of this time of year just waiting for you to discover and savour them. 
Once again, we have recent conversations with Clients to thank for the inspiration for this week’s blog post. And it all started with us making a very simple observation. That everything we do EITHER makes life much easier for ourselves – and those around us (!) – OR does the exact opposite. Makes life much, much harder all round. 
Now if this sounds a bit like stating the blindingly obvious, it is, but it’s amazing how often we seem to forget this simple truth as we go about our day to day lives. 
We all have our own little habits, some endearing, some less so (!) most of which we’re completely oblivious to. Well, that’s until someone is kind enough to point them out to us… Have you ever wondered why this is? And, more importantly, why we’re so oblivious of them? 
As so often is the case, the answer is very simple AND very obvious, once pointed out. Habits are automatic and happen without requiring any conscious thought. They allow us to do more things each day, more easily, hence them flying under our radar until someone draws our attention to them. Then, as so often is the case, we can’t understand how we hadn’t noticed them before… 
We’re all running through life, in one way or other, regardless of how it may seem or how athletic – or not – we may be… And, “no” we’re not following on from last week’s post about making exercise easy either! If you missed the post, click here. 
Nor are we going to talk about the modern obsession with being “busy, busy, busy” and making sure everyone knows just how busy we are (!). If you need a quick reminder why this approach rarely gives the desired results, both in terms of productivity and how easily they’re achieved, click here
Instead, it’s a rather different form of running we’ve got in mind today. The energy we consciously – or, more often, unconsciously – put into our lives. And then out into the world around us. 
With the lighter evenings and longer days – hurrah (!) – it’s not surprising this time of year often kick starts many people’s health regimes. Particularly those related to stripping off some of the extra winter layers – which hide a multitude of sins (!) – or their forthcoming fortnight in the sun… 
Put another way, it’s all about slimming and trimming. Slimming down and sending those few – or more (!) – extra pounds on their way. Trimming and toning those areas that could do with a bit more definition. 
While both concepts are quite simple – in theory, at least (!) – they often seem to end up being much more complicated than need be. 
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