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Posts tagged “Lifestyle”

Cholesterol – and statins – are subjects we discuss regularly with clients and have written about before in this blog. “Cholesterol – are statins a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” posted in September 2014 can be found in the blog archives to the right of this post. 
Despite the huge amount of coverage this topic has had in the mainstream press, fundamental misunderstandings remain about both cholesterol and the effectiveness of statins. So, once again, let’s have another look at this subject and shatter some of the most common myths. 
Despite meditation having become, dare we say it, “mainstream” in recent years, its hippy’ish image continues. And that’s a real shame for everyone. Not only because it has nothing to do with illegal substances or “peace, love and panpipes man.” 
But because there are huge benefits from doing it regularly AND it’s much easier to do than you ever imagined. You’ve probably been doing it for years in your own unique way without having realised it. 
Ok, we’ll admit it, it’s another tenuous link but we couldn’t resist this picture - and you'll have to click over to the next page to find out what it is (!). 
So what are we talking about this week? 
Sadly it’s not about pandas or the benefits of making bamboo a regular part of your diet (!). 
Rather it’s about eyes and those annoying dark smudges – or bags (!) – which appear under them from time to time. And now you know why we chose this picture… 
Once again we have our clients to thank for providing the inspiration for this week’s topic. Not only for demonstrating the many different causes for so called “panda eyes” but for also reminding us of their common underlying link. 
So far this year we’ve enjoyed the delights of a traditional english summer – a couple of sunny days followed by several of rain – although you never know it may change… 
Given the weather, it’s hardly surprising that people are making the most of the merest glimmer of sun to dust off their barbeques and get cooking. 
Like us you’ve probably experienced your fair share of barbeques over the years; with the all too common “raw on the inside, burnt on the outside” offerings. All going well, you’ve survived them without any ill effects, although they account for a large number of food poisonings every summer. 
As we’ve mentioned several times before, ideas for our weekly post come from many different sources. This week we have both clients, friends and family to thank; who all raised the same subject in quick succession. And have also shown us what a can of worms this subject can be. 
So what are we talking about? Intelligence. What makes a person intelligent. 
And that, as they say, is where the fun really starts (!). 
While many learned people have grappled with this question over the centuries, the thing that immediately becomes apparent is that there’s no simple answer to this question. Or, dare we suggest it, an objective one either. 
Having read the title of this post – and looked at the picture – you’re probably expecting a police related theme to this week’s story. And in one sense you’d be right, although we have to admit that the link is slightly tenuous. 
So what are we going to be talking about this week? 
Not a very exciting topic you may think but, bear with us, it’s a problem we’re seeing increasingly regularly with clients. And one that can be easily prevented in the first place. 
As regular readers of this blog will have realised by now we find people endlessly fascinating. Not only what they say – or don’t say (!). How they say it. Their body language. And lots more besides. 
What particularly intrigues us is how little thought many people seem to give to what they’re saying. To the words they’re using and whether they really mean what they think – or assume (!) – they do. And, crucially, whether they realise how easy it is for one single word to undermine their best efforts. 
It sounds like something from a Victorian guide to etiquette for young ladies (!) but, we thought, made a great title for this week’s blog post. 
Sweating is one of those subjects rarely mentioned in polite company. More often than not it’s seen as one of those annoying body functions we have little control over. Particularly in a stressful – or social – setting. But, as always, there’s so much more to it than that. 
This is a sentiment we regularly hear from clients and you probably hear it – or think it – too from time to time. Whether about yourself or someone else. 
Whatever the grief or loss, there seems to be an assumption that they should get over it in a short period of time. A few weeks or months. And then get on with life without making any fuss. 
Some say this is a British affliction – stiff upper lip and all that – but it seems to run through many other countries and cultures. 
The real question is whether this approach helps the person concerned? 
It’s been a while since the last part of this very occasional series (!), so we thought it was about time to shatter a few more myths about something many people don’t give a second thought to. 
Like all the things we’ve covered so far it sounds like such a good idea. Something to make life easier. In this case as part of any weight loss – or management – programme. 
So what are we talking about? Aspartame, the grandfather of artificial sweeteners. Or, if you prefer to use one of its many brand names: NutraSweet, Spoonful, Equal Measure. 
The tale of aspartame is a fascinating one, with many unexpected twists and turns along the way. So here we go. 
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